Windham Area Recreation Foundation

Dedicated to establishing the Windham region as a preeminent four season destination and bettering the lives of its residents and visitors through the enhancement of trail-based recreation opportunities.

Come on down for our first Trail Day

WARF will be holding Trail Days throughout the year, where we invite members of the community and otherwise interested parties to perform maintenance and repairs on area trails. Trail maintenance doesn't SOUND like fun, (which is why I call them Trail Days not Trail Work Days) but I assure you, we're a lovely group of people and we have a good time. Most importantly, your efforts will help us keep Windham's network of trails looking pristine. 

Our first Trail Day will be held today (Monday, August 12) on the Elm Ridge trial system. We will meet at 4 pm at the Elm Ridge escarpment trail parking lot, at the corner of Cross Rd, and Route 23 .We'll be doing routine maintenance on the trail, primarily smoothing out the trail by flattening and removing rocks. Bring a shovel, pickaxe or sledge hammer if you can, otherwise WARF will have some tools to supply.

In the future we will provide more notice on the blog, but if you're interested in being added to the email list for Trail Days contact me at